

美丽说/2018-06-13/ 分类:智能时代/阅读:
6月11日,美国国务卿蓬佩奥(POMPEO)在新加坡万豪酒店召开新闻发布会,介绍12日“金特会”有关情况。 蓬佩奥重申,朝鲜半岛无核化是美国唯一能接受的成果,如果朝鲜不同意,美国将进一步加强经济制裁,并且不会让朝鲜经济有喘息的机会。 对于美国是否会为了 ...







  蓬佩奥(SECRETARYPOMPEO):Good afternoon.[p1]Iwant to give an update in advance of President Trump"s summit with Chairman KimJong Un. As the President said on Saturday, this is truly a mission ofpeace.

  This afternoon, the President called PrimeMinister Abe of Japan and President Moon of South Korea.

  Earlier today, our Ambassador, Sung Kim, led adelegation to meet with Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui and his North Korean— or excuse me, her North Korean delegation. The talks continue thisafternoon, even as we sit here now. They"re, in fact, moving quiterapidly. And we anticipate they will come to their logical conclusioneven more quickly than we had anticipated.

  今天早些时候美国大使SungKim率团与朝鲜外交副部长ChoeSon Hui 和他——抱歉,是“她”——率领的代表团见面,会谈下午仍在继续,进展迅速,我们期待双方比预期的更快达成“符合逻辑的结论”。

  Before discussing the summit, I want to addressa report in The New York Times that suggested that the U.S. team lacks thetechnical expertise on dismantling North Korea"s weapons program as part ofthese talks. I want to address that report directly.


  For over three months, an interagency workinggroup of over 100 experts across government has met multiple times per week toaddress technical and logistical issues associated with dismantling NorthKorea"s weapons programs. They include experts from the military chargedwith dismantling nuclear weapons; the Department of Energy, including PhDs andexperts from DOE labs; and officials from the intelligence community coveringNorth Korea. Those same experts also cover North Korea"s nuclear,chemical, biological, and missile programs.

  These experts include dozens of PhDs who haveexpertise in nuclear weapons, the fuel cycle, missiles, chemical and biologicalweapons. They have advanced degrees in nuclear engineering, physics,chemistry, aerospace, biology, and other relevant fields.



  On the ground in Singapore, we have a team thatincludes the President"s senior most expert in weapons of mass destruction whocan cover any technical needs that the meetings may present.

  美国在新加坡有一支队伍,人员包括总统的高级大规模杀伤性武器专家,如果两国元首会面时发生任何问题,这支队伍都能解决。Any suggestion that the United States somehowlacks the technical expertise across government or lacks it on the ground herein Singapore is mistaken.

  North Korea has previously confirmed to us itswillingness to denuclearize, and we are eager to see if those words provesincere. The fact that our two leaders are sitting down face to face is asign of the enormous potential to accomplish something that will immenselybenefit both of our peoples and the entire world.

  President Trump believes that Kim Jong Un has anunprecedented opportunity to change the trajectory of our relationship andbring peace and prosperity to his country. We are hopeful this summitwill have set the conditions for future productive talks. In light of howmany flimsy agreements the United States has made in previous years, thisPresident will ensure that no potential agreement will fail to adequatelyaddress the North Korean threat.

  The ultimate objective we seek from diplomacywith North Korea has not changed. The complete and verifiable andirreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the only outcome thatthe United States will accept. Sanctions will remain until North Koreacompletely and verifiably eliminates its weapons of mass destructionprograms. If diplomacy does not move in the right direction — and we arehopeful that it will continue to do so — those measures will increase.


  President Trump recognizes Chairman Kim"s desirefor security, and is prepared to ensure that a North Korea free of weapons ofmass destruction is also a secure North Korea. The President has alsoexpressed his openness to expanding access to foreign investment and othereconomic opportunities for North Korea if they take the right steps.


  All the preparations for the summit have cometogether very nicely. The President met this afternoon with Minister Leeof Singapore. It was an important opportunity to thank the Prime Ministerof Singapore for his partnership in helping make this summit a reality. Singaporeis home to over 4,000 American companies and is a longstanding commercialpartner, and we thank them for their help in making this summit what it is.

  The President also had a chance to visit withour embassy team here in Singapore and thank them for their tireless work tomake this summit a success. For example, at tomorrow"s summit, there willbe some 5,000 members of the media from all over the world that will becovering this historic event.

  President Trump is going into this meeting withconfidence, a positive attitude, and eagerness for real progress. He hasmade it clear that if Kim Jong Un denuclearizes, there is a brighter future forNorth Korea. Tomorrow, we will get our clearest indication to date ofwhether Chairman Kim Jong Un truly shares this vision.

  I"m happy to take a couple questions.

  MS. SANDERS: Mark Landler, New York Times.

  Q Mr. Secretary, you said amoment ago that what you"re aiming for is comprehensive, verifiable, andirreversible denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. And I wonderedwhether that represents a slight shift in what your position had been, becausetraditionally you"ve talked just about CVID, and now you"re actually adding thephrase “on the Korean Peninsula,” which reflects in part what the North Koreansseek, which is to denuclearize the Peninsula. Is that a shift in yourposition?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: There"s no shift in thepolicy. It is the case that we are prepared to make security assurancesnecessary for the North Koreans to engage in that denuclearization. Thatis, we"re prepared to take actions that will provide them sufficient certaintythat they can be comfortable that denuclearization isn"t something that endsbadly for them. Indeed, just the opposite: that it leads to a brighter,better future for the North Korean people.


  MS. SANDERS: Major Garrett, CBS News.

  Q Following up on that point,Mr. Secretary, under the umbrella of security assurances, would that includeremoving U.S. forces now in South Korea? Is that something you"reprepared to discuss with the North Koreans directly?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: I"m not going to get intoany of the details of the discussions that we"ve had to date. I can onlysay this: We are prepared to take what will be security assurances that aredifferent, unique than have been provided — that America has been willing toprovide previously. We think this is both necessary and appropriate.


  Q Would it be erroneous toassume that that"s not on the table?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: You shouldn"t assume fromthe fact that I don"t give any detail here today that some question you positedhas any merit.


  Q But you know the sensitivity—


  SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, you should — youshould just — if you hypothesize something that"s in it, and I refuse to tellyou what"s in it, you should assume that I"m simply refusing to tell you what"sin it, and not drawing any conclusions from the negative inference that I thinkyou"re suggesting.


  You should — you should know there"s going to bea lot of work left to do. There"s a lot of detail that"s got to beprovided. We are not going to conduct these negotiations in the open withthe media; we"re going to conduct them between the two parties so that we havean opportunity to have a real success here.


  MS. SANDERS: Michael Gordon, Wall StreetJournal.

  Q Mr. Secretary, it"s clearwhat the U.S. expects from the North, in terms of denuclearization, butsometimes there"s been a suggestion from North Korean officials that theirconcept of denuclearization might preclude the deployment of dual-capableaircraft on the Korean Peninsula, or even movement of aircraft carriers — U.S.aircraft carriers — toward the Korean Peninsula. Is this something thatthe Trump administration would be willing to discuss? Or is it somethingyou can rule out? And do you hope to have a framework tomorrow that doesmore than just repeat the formulations used, dating 12 or 13 years ago, aboutdenuclearization, but commits each side to taking specific steps?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: So I think the first partof your question is the same question Major Garrett asked. It was asubstantive question about what one side or the other may be prepared to do,and I"m simply not going to speak to that.

  With respect to the second question, the contextfor these discussions is radically different than ever before. Thebackdrop against which these negotiations are taking, President Trump has said,in a way that is fundamentally different than before.

  The President has made very clear: Until suchtime as we get the outcome that we"re demanding, economic relief is not goingto be provided. That"s different. There was always this hypothesisthat somewhere along the way, the Americans would take their foot off and allowthose economic opportunities for the North, and thereby reduce the capacity toactually achieve the deal. We"re not going to do that. So thesediscussions that it will take place tomorrow between Chairman Kim and PresidentTrump will set the framework for the hard work that will follow.


  And we"ll see how far we get, but I am veryoptimistic that we will have a successful outcome from tomorrow"s meetingbetween these two leaders. It"s the case, in each of those two countries,there are only two people that can make decisions of this magnitude. Andthose two people are going to be sitting in a room together tomorrow.


  MS. SANDERS: Catherine Lucey with the AP.

  Q Secretary, the Presidentsays he"ll know within a minute whether Kim is serious based on his“feel.” These are obviously incredibly complex nuclear issues that havetens of millions of civilians in the crosshairs. Is it wise for thePresident to be going on his gut? And have you established any specificcriteria for the conditions that lead him to walk out tomorrow?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: The President is fullyprepared for the meeting tomorrow. I have personally had the opportunityto make sure that he"s had a chance to hear lots of different voices, all ofthe attendant opportunities and risks, and that we have put these two leadersin the right place.


  As I said in answer to the previous question,President Trump has truly laid out a process here that is fundamentallydifferent than the ones that we"ve gone through before. And I expect thatthe process from tomorrow forward will also be fundamentally different, with aresolved America working to try and provide an outcome that benefits bothcountries. That"s different than what we"ve done before.

  Q Can you tell us anythingabout the preparations, sir?

  MS. SANDERS: Jon Decker with Fox Radio.

  Q Thank you, SecretaryPompeo. The last time that you took questions from us was in the WhiteHouse press briefing room, and I had an opportunity at that time to ask you aquestion. The question I asked you is whether or not — or how can youtrust the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un. And I wasn"t necessarilysatisfied with your answer. I"d like to get your answer this time.

  But I also want to flip the question, if I may,Mr. Secretary. How can Kim Jong Un trust the United States? And Isay that after what happened at the G7 Summit, when many leaders of the G7believe that the leadership of the United States cannot be trusted as it relatesto what happened with the communiqué. So perhaps you can answer both ofthose questions. Thank you.


  SECRETARY POMPEO: I"ll take your secondquestion one first. I think the hypothesis is ludicrous. The UnitedStates has been fooled before — there"s no doubt about it. ManyPresidents previously have signed off on pieces of paper, only to find that theNorth Koreans either didn"t promise what we thought they had or actuallyreneged on their promises.


  The “V” matters. The “V” matters. Weare going to ensure that we set up a system sufficiently robust that we"re ableto verify these outcomes. And it"s only once the “V” happens that we"llproceed apace. Right? That"s what"s been missed before. Youknow, we can go back to Reagan, “trust but verify.”

  At the end of the day, both countries are goingto have to come to have sufficient trust in each other and to do the verificationthat each country needs that we"ve provided the things that are called for thatwe commit to in the various documents that we sign, both tomorrow, if we sign adocument and if we sign subsequent documents. But we"ll each have toensure that we do the things, we take the actions necessary to follow throughon those commitments. And when we do, we"ll have a verified deal. And if we can get that far, we will have had a historic change here inSoutheast Asia, North Asia, and all around the world.


  MS. SANDERS: We"ll take one lastquestion. Phil Rucker, Washington Post.

  Q Mr. Secretary, this morningat his hotel in Singapore, President Trump had harsh words for Prime MinisterTrudeau. And what are you doing, as the country"s top diplomat, to repairrelationships with our country"s oldest allies — closest allies inEurope? And do you agree with the statement made by one of youradministration colleagues yesterday that there"s a special place in hell forthe Canadian Prime Minister?


  SECRETARY POMPEO: Well, I came here today,here in Singapore, to talk about North Korea. But I"m happy to talk aboutwork with our European partners as well.

  We wouldn"t be in this place, we wouldn"t havethis historic opportunity, without the diplomatic work that"s been done by ourEuropean partners alongside of us.


  President Trump has led an enormous coalition,including those very same European partners, those G7 partners to which yourefer, who have helped us get to this point. I have every expectationthat they will continue to do that.


  There are always irritants inrelationships. I am very confident the relationships between ourcountries — the United States and those G7 countries — will continue to move forwardon a strong basis. I"m unconcerned about our capacity to continue to dowhat we need to do to get the outcome we"re looking for in North Korea as aresult of what you described having taken place in Canada.


  MS. SANDERS: Thank you.


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